Case study

Familiar yet Foreign is a zine publication that explores the similarities and differences between the English and Russian languages




Familiar yet Foreign


Project type

Publication Design


Research • Artistic direction • Design • Photography


This zine publication intricately examines the convergences and disparities between the English and Russian languages, delving into the contrasts and similarities inherent in the Latin and Cyrillic scripts. A personal connection underscores this exploration, as the creator, a first-generation immigrant, grapples with the challenges of language acquisition and assimilation within a new cultural milieu. Central to the project are visual and material experimentation, both serving as driving forces. Employing techniques like layering and superposition in typographic treatments, the creator visually conveys the clash of these diverse languages. By transparently overlapping distinct letters, a representation of the differences and shared facets of French, English, and Russian languages emerges. This endeavor also captures the inherent duality that accompanies language learning, intertwining with one's identity and sense of belonging. The zine's structure is a narrative in itself, moving progressively from alphabets to analogous characters and culminating in sentences and expressions that bridge similarities and differences. This progression mirrors the intricate amalgamation of languages and identities intrinsic to the immigrant experience, ultimately offering a visual and textual tapestry that resonates with the complexities of linguistic and cultural fusion.

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